

5 Tips to Sit Less At Work

We've been using beds, kitchen tables, and even dressers as workstations for over a year, and now we're looking into how sitting motionless from 9 to 5 can affect our minds and bodies. We took the quantity we moved for granted on any given pre-Covid day. Working remotely has reduced our daily steps to the microcosms of our houses — from desk to kitchen, sofa to bed, and, depending on the weather, from inside to your garden and back.

Many businesses switched to standing desks as a solution. And it would be better if you can combine two things together: use a standing desk and often walk around.

So how can you break long spells of sitting and cut down on the amount of time you spend sitting throughout the day?

Set A Timer

Keeping track of how much time you spend sitting by setting a timer can help you change your habits. You'll be more inspired to make adjustments once you realize how inadequate your physical activity is. Here we highly recommend you buy a Loctek standing desk equipped with HS11A-1, HS11B-1 or HS01B-1 as these control panels has time reminder function. Therefore, there is no need for you to buy an extra clock or timer.

Stay Hydrated and Visit the Water Cooler Often

After a day of sitting motionless, water is essential to feeling less dull. Keeping your brain hydrated will help you be more efficient. You don't have to give up your coffee, but ensure you're also drinking more than enough water, so you don't leave the office with a headache. You'll have to get up more frequently to replenish your water bottle or drinking cup/glass, and you'll probably have to take more bathroom trips as well.

Walk That Talk

Walking while conversing is an excellent method to reconnect with team members, especially for more casual conversations. It's also a far more exciting experience, giving your eyes a respite from the monitor and allowing you to get the rewards of both fresh air and exercise.

Do Not Make Things Too Convenient

It's all too easy to spend the day sitting with that espresso machine on your desk. Anything that isn't necessary for your tasks doesn't need to be within arm's reach. Move them somewhere else, so you get up and go for a quick walk if you need something that isn't close to your workstation.

Dress for Physical Activities

If you find yourself making excuses about how hard it is to stand or walk in your stiletto or dress shoes, it's time to shift to comfy shoes or bring a pair of trainers with you. If you're hesitant to move because your dress or pants are too snug, adjust your wardrobe.

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