

What can contribute to healthy longevity

With the improvement of life standard, longevity is every man’s goal in life. Everyone wants to live to the fullest, that is, we want to enjoy our lives with high quality. Moreover, longevity can provide us more time to do what we want to want, for example, fulfill our dream. On the contrary, there are more challenges and stressors in the environment that we have to surmount.

The pandemic is still lurking around us and threatening with more kinds of virus surfacing that is really scary and alarming. And that is one of the reasons why we need to take proper measures in order to live healthy and long.

“Johns Hopkins-led study of 6,200 men and women over eight years found that those who adopted four smart behaviors reduced the chance of death from all causes within that time frame by an astounding 80 percent.(  

Following are those smart behaviors that we could apply in our life.

  • Choose healthy foods - “The study found that the healthiest people followed a Mediterranean-style diet. That means a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, tree nuts with healthy oils, fish (and less red meats), whole-grain carbs and olive oil for cooking.”
  • Stop smoking or don’t smoke at all. “Smoking affects coronary arteries and lungs, and smokers also have increased rates of cancer and risk of stroke.”
  • A healthy weight should be maintained - “The healthiest people in the study maintained a body mass index (BMI)—a ratio of height to weight that measures body mass—of less than 25.

To find out your BMI, try using a free BMI calculator. To reach (and maintain) a healthy BMI, get busy on lifestyle changes 3 and 4.”

  • Get up and move your body - “Aim for about 30 minutes of activity a day most days of the week. Try breaking it into three 10-minute bouts of activity per day—a 10-minute walk in the morning, another at lunch and a stroll after dinner.” 


Besides, there is still one way can help you to maintain healthy and live longer. That is exercise. Through regular exercises, you can build up a strong body and stay happy. LoctekMotion F211DBU is suitable for everyone, especially for those who lack of time to go to the gym. The beauty of this product lies in making it possible for you to work professionally or do other tasks while at the same time engaging in physical exercise such as cycling.  

Moreover, it is packed with wonderful features that are worth loving and also give more of your money’s worth. It is a super comfortable exercise bike with its breathable mesh fabric backrest that gives cooling comfort; it also has a firm seat cushion that supports a “no pressure” sitting experience.  

The seat height is also adjustable so that every member of your family can use it for physical exercise as it conforms to their various heights.

The exercise bike as the name implies, will boost your energy while riding, which leads to longevity and your productivity at work. How about that? You are shooting two birds at a time! Awesome!

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