

What Is a Desk Converter and Why We Need It

The changing work arrangement allows an increasing number of people to work from home. Professionals are now working remotely and enjoying greater productivity and work-life balance. However, not all professionals working at home have access to ergonomically designed furniture to support their posture and keep them comfortable at work.

Fortunately, several ergonomic solutions, such as a desk converter, allow you to upgrade your workstation without investing in new furniture. Sit-stand desk converters, also known as desk converters or standing desk converters, are becoming increasingly popular and for good reasons. Let's take a closer look at what desk converters are and why you need them.

What Is a Sit-Stand Desk Converter?

A sit-stand desk converter is an ergonomic tool that allows you to convert your sitting-only desk into an ergonomic standing desk depending upon your needs. It is a foldable structure that holds parts of your computer and other integral parts of your workstation to stand and work on instances when you get tired of sitting and need to change your position to boost your focus and productivity.

The small and handy ergonomic tool can sit on top of your existing workstation and allows you to raise the tray and convert your workstation into a standing desk as you move the feet inward. To lower the structure, you can push the feet outward, and your workstation can revert to its original position.

Loctek offers some of the most versatile and reliable sit-stand desk converters and allows you to seamlessly change the height of your workstation while providing you with the flexibility and convenience of an ergonomic workstation.

Now that you know what desk converters are let’s look at some of the reasons why you need a sit-stand desk converter to improve the ergonomics of your workstation.

Why You Need a Sit-Stand Desk Converter?

#1. To Create a Healthier Work Environment

Perhaps the most critical reason why you need a standing desk converter is to create a healthier work environment. Sitting for prolonged hours can be detrimental to health. The best alternative for a healthy working style is a combination of sitting and standing.

With a standing desk converter, you can adjust the height of your workstation and enjoy the benefits of both standing and sitting. The standing desk converter also allows you to easily switch from standing to sitting position as soon as you feel tired, and you can alternate between the positions several times a day.

#2. Standing Desk Converters are Less Expensive Than Height-Adjustable Standing Desks

Another reason why you need a sit-stand desk converter is that standing desk converters are a cost-effective alternative to height-adjustable standing desks. When you invest in a height-adjustable standing desk, you are likely to spend a lot more money than when you go for a standing desk converter. But the comparatively lower cost of a standing desk converter doesn't mean it will compromise on the functionality.

#3. You Don’t Have to Change Your Existing Desk

When you go for a standing desk converter, one of the benefits you can enjoy is retaining your existing desk. With a sit-stand desk converter, you can keep the desk that you already have, making it a perfect solution for individuals who do not want to give up on their work desk.

Several individuals would want a standing desk but are unwilling to give up on their existing desk for many reasons. Maybe the desk is large and offers a lot of storage options, or the desk may be custom-designed for the area. Regardless of the reason, a standing desk converter gives you the flexibility of standing while retaining the desk you already have.

In Loctek, we have various standing desk converters’ choices for you. Our new bamboo series MT117M-BB could be a great choice for people who care about the Earth. Bamboo desk converters not only have stylish appearances with healthy, eco-friendly function, they are also easy to maintain and provide ergonomic home solutions. 

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