

Loctek Stock Option Incentive Plan 2021

On December 1, 2017, with the ringing of the bell for listing, there were a group of "millionaires" and "multi-millionaires" born in Loctek. Long before the listing, various core employees have owned the company's original shares at a low price through the holding platform or direct investment. After going public, the company's equity option incentive has become more and more powerful with a wider range of incentive. It has carried out restricted stock incentive plan in 2018 and stock option incentive plan in 2020 respectively, benefiting more than 130 employees in total. So far, employees' shareholding ratio has exceeded 10% of the company's total equity capital, paving the way for ‘common prosperity with Loctek.

In order to stimulate the potential of employees and improve the business performance as well as the core competitiveness of the enterprise, on August 23, 2021, the implementation of 2021 restricted stock incentive plan and the  ceremony of the first phase of 2020 stock option incentive plan was held in the marketing research and Development Center. The ceremony was broadcast live from four places to witness the glorious moment.

Chief financial officer introduces equity option incentive plan

This year, our new round of incentives has come again. The 2021 restricted stock incentive plan will soon be implemented. The number of incentive stocks this time accounts for 2.27% of the company's total equity, and the total number has also increased to 203. And this time, 17.88% of the total amount, which is 733,000 restricted stocks, was reserved for new talented employees.

Chief Financial Officer Mei introduced the equity option incentive policy for the past two years, answering questions for everyone, and let more employees understand the meaning and value of equity option incentives.

Employee representatives’ speech

Three equity option incentive employee representatives from different departments came to the stage and shared their own experience of owning equity option incentives. They all expressed their gratitude to the company for the equity option incentives.

Lane Shaw , chairman of the board of directors of Loctek, gave a speech

"Loctek’ s Common Prosperity Road" - Chairman Lane Shaw emphasized at the meeting: "Loctek advocates common prosperity based on hard work. Common prosperity is not uniform egalitarianism. Innovation is needed to achieve prosperity."  He said that Loctek is in a period of rapid development. In addition, the company's overseas warehouse business has also achieved profitability, and the experience and models accumulated in the previous period will be quickly copied, laying the foundation for the large-scale operation of overseas warehouse business.      

Chairman Lane Shaw also said: "Today's Loctek needs more talents than ever before. Only when a large number of outstanding talents join us, the company's strategic goals can be achieved step by step. To this end, Loctek will continue to implement equity option incentives to allow employees to share their wealth."

In the future, Loctek will uphold the concept of "happy life, happy singing, happy creation", further improve the internal system, increase employee equity and option incentives, so that outstanding employees can get rich and enjoy working in Loctek.



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