

Still Long Way to Go as for Green Business

Corporate sustainability has not always been attractive for companies. In terms of profit and operations, most enterprises thought of those as drastic changes of systems. The upfront investment to change a functional system was not particularly enticing to grab. The return on investment was a blurry matter because the research was lacking in the past as to how it may affect a company’s figures at present and in the long run.

But once companies started seeing measurable and significantly positive returns, more enterprises have decided to change. In 2020, statistics show that formal green programs of American businesses have gone up by 54%. It is set to grow further with consumers opting for greener initiatives and more opportunities for new markets to tap into.

Yet the enthusiasm and positive results don’t guarantee that an environmentally-friendly journey won’t come without a glitch. Going green and sustainable for a business is a difficult undertaking and at times, may even be overwhelming for some. It’s important to have a clear plan while also managing expectations based on realistic calculations. If you’re a business who’s wanting to go green, we listed some challenges below that you may encounter and how you can turn it around for your business to thrive. There’s no perfect journey which means we just have to try harder in doing our best for the environment.

Lack of Time, Money and Other Resources

Businesses have this misconception that they need a lot of money and other resources to start going the environmental route. While becoming more sustainable requires an upfront investment, it doesn’t have to be costly from the very beginning, especially if there’s no money available. Businesses can start small by implementing sustainable strategies.

You may employ electricity-saving practices by turning off all devices and switching the lights off when not in use. You can start recycling at work by making sure recycling bins are installed and that people are aware of what non-biodegradable and biodegradable are. You may collect plastic and make eco-bricks. Make sure to always use two sides of the paper.

You can offer three days' work at the office and two days at home. There are tons of ways you can go sustainable at first before implementing major, costly changes.

Employees Who Don’t Seem to Care

While many have become Earth warriors, there are still those who simply don’t care much about green initiatives. It’ll be difficult to implement new systems if you’re not being heard by others in the workplace. Make sure to ask for input from everyone during meetings and consider everyone’s ideas and opinions. Give incentives to those who will follow the new environmental programs to convert the unengaged into becoming more participative.

LoctekMotion’s Commitment to the Environment

LoctekMotion is one furniture company that is always vowing to do better for society. The company’s core mission has always been to give a better quality of life to its clientele. Because of this, LoctekMotion has put careful consideration on how the company’s choices affect the lives of their customers, the communities they serve, and the overall state of the planet. The company definitely knows that there is a long way to go to make a big difference and help the world’s fight against climate change. But even with this stopper present, LoctekMotion has remained committed to starting initiatives, big or small.

LoctekMotion has also ramped up sourcing more sustainable materials for its desktops. Because bamboo grows faster and in greener conditions, the company is developing more standing desks made from 100% of this eco-friendly alternative. It sources its bamboo goods in Asia, handmade by locals that provide them with stable jobs.

LoctekMotion hopes to ensure a more sustainable future for its clientele and employees. 

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