

The world's most advanced linear drive intelligent factory

In a huge warehouse which covers a scale of 5000 square meters, what you can find out is hundreds of machines "working" extremely hard with their arms waved. And the weird thing is that there are only 10 workers in all for the whole place.

What we mentioned above happens in Loctek, a listed company with a  champion title in China manufacturing industry. Actually, to be exact, that is what Loctek has in their production base, featuring in a model for the corporation of the future.

Loctek always tries to be the first one to follow the trend and this time undoubtedly, positively answers the call of the nation to reform the company with digital management . By cooperating with Wengu and other software service providers, it is Loctek who catches the opportunity of digital revolution, as a result, has built the world’s largest and most advanced linear drive intelligent factory this year, making digital management achievable.

If you visit Loctek warehouse, you will fully understand what is digital revolution and what it can bring us. Simply scanning the QR code, workers can easily check whether the raw material meets the requirement or not, no need for recheck or manual inspection. Moreover, as for production managers, there is no need for them to be in the warehouse in person, remotely monitoring on their mobile phones to check the operation of the equipment.

In the Loctek production center of Binhai, real-time cutting accuracy, wall thickness of pipe, quantity in stock, order progress, energy consumption analysis, reasons for error codes… all these mentioned above can be seen on the large LED screen.

"Previously, manually collecting a vast majority of data consumes lots of time. But now, workers can receive the report immediately once certain chain occurs problems. Informationization improve the work efficiency by 30% ." Said by Leixian Bei, the chief executive of Loctek production center.

Take Loctek laser cutting line as a typical example: the whole procedure becomes extremely easy. Simply scan the QR code to make sure whether the performance and precision of raw materials meet the requirements. If so, what to do next is to press the button to start, which can avoid human caused error to the full extent. What is more, stamping, welding, packaging and other more than 10 processes are digitally improved accordingly.

Even for some non-standardized procedures, the doctor team of Loctek has customized dozens of programs exclusive for Loctek.

The "5G+" intelligent warehouse built by Loctek also takes the lead in Ningbo. Instead of struggling to find the materials needed for the next production step, workers rely on the warehouse management system (WMS) to automatically assign tasks. After the system lights up the target part, workers scan the code, allowing the "smart" AVG car to automatically plan the route and help transport it to its destination.

The punchline of Loctek intelligent factory not only lies in automatic production, but also relies on "visible" lean production.

Many people think that intelligent manufacturing is "machine replacement", but this is only an initial stage.

Loctek used a robotic welding arm 10 years ago. Over the years, with product transformation and continuous process optimization, Loctek’ s manufacturing base has used hundreds of robots.

Now, Loctek is getting closer and closer to the goal of "Industry 4.0", breaking the "information island" among design, process, manufacturing, inspection and realizing the interconnection of ERP and MES systems, so that "once the command is given in the office, the underlying equipment will run".

Click to see the products manufactured by Loctek with high quality.


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