

Professions that are Better to Equip With Standing Desks

Whether you are working from the office or from your home, having a standing desk can make a difference.

Actually, every professional requires ergonomic pieces cause that not only help them handle their work without a hitch but is kind to their bodies. Sitting down for hours on end is not an easy thing to pull off.

We are going to look at the top professionals who is in sore need of a height adjustable standing desk. Read more to check whether you are one of them.

Graphic Designers

Graphic designers spend a lot of time hunched over desks staring at screens for most of their day as they try to come up with designs for their clients. It is a time-consuming job that must have comfortable workstations that reduce the strain on their bodies.

A graphic designer should go for a desk that can be adjusted to suit their height or one that they can switch to working while standing if sitting for too long starts to have an effect on them. It should also have a wide working surface that can accommodate a sizable screen.


Programmers and coders are another groups of professionals that spend a lot of time using computers to create their work. Spending over 8hrs typing away and looking at the screen can cause you some issues with your back.

The best counter to this would be to get a good and adjustable working chair that is built for comfort and can be adjusted to any setting that suits your needs. The biggest issue for coders is the pain they feel in their wrists, and this can be countered by an adjustable desk that can be raised to make the elbows level to ease the pressure.

Customer Care

Customer care representatives in call centers spend long hours answering calls from customers, some even doing it all night. This can be exhausting, both mentally and physically, and without the proper workstation, you could find yourself in the ER before you know it.

Considering how much they use their hands and elbows to deal with calls and type on computers, a customer care professional should find a good chair and standing desk combination that allows them to switch from sitting to standing when they start feeling some pressure on their backs and neck.


Painting and other artistic works require a lot of space and sparse furniture since the artist has to move around a lot. But at the same time, they need a platform that they can use to create their work while sitting or standing. This demands for a highly flexible workstation combination of an adjustable standing desk and a chair that require less effort to use.

If you are a painter, you probably work best while sitting and standing, and for this reason, a good drafting table that comes with a tiltable top for making your sketching easier without leaning over too much at the detriment of your neck. 

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