

3 Things You Need to Know While Setting an Ergonomic Office

Working from home has become a norm for nearly two years now. So, considering the number of hours you spend working in your home daily, it’s vital to have an office that can keep you comfortable and productive. Thus, ergonomics is something that you must pay close attention to. Now, we often rely on whatever we have available, say a table that’s too high or a chair that’s too low. As a result, we sacrifice ergonomics—i.e., efficiency in our working experience. With that said, this article don’ts for setting an ergonomic office. Sometimes, something as simple as investing in an ergonomic office chair can make a great difference.

Don’ts for Setting an Ergonomic Office

If you want to make a truly ergonomic home office, you will need to invest in some good furniture. However, the benefits make it well worth it. There are, of course, some things that you should avoid as well. Here are some vital tips to keep in mind.


DON’T Hunch Over a Laptop

Most people working from home rely on their laptops because desktop PCs aren’t used by everyone. However, the problem with that is that regardless of what home office desk you have, you’re likely going to hunch over your laptop. Now, while that’s fine for short durations, work-weeks of 40 hours or more can put a strain on your neck, shoulders, and back.

One simple solution includes getting three additional products. These products include an external mouse and keyboard and a stand to elevate your laptop screen to match your eye level. So, you could get a complete portable laptop stand docking station or a monitor stand workstation. Other than this solution, you could invest in an external monitor. That said, it’s best to make sure if the external monitor has an adjustable height in its stand to match your eye level.

DON’T Let Your Feet Dangle

If you feel like standing desks are not for you, then you should ensure that your seating is perfect for you. Thus, a vital ergonomic rule is to prevent your feet from dangling when you’re seated. Dangling feet can stress your lumbar spine. Thus, if your seat is a little high, you can keep your feet planted to the ground by placing some boxes underneath them. Do so until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. However, your knees should be just slightly lower than your hip for minimal stress on your back.


DON’T Use a Couch as a Workstation

A couch is an ideal piece of furniture for relaxing and lounging, but it won’t get you to work more efficiently. In addition to putting you in lethargic mode, it also keeps your legs and body in one straight position (if you’re lying down on it). Thus, that can cause muscle discomfort or numbness. Also, it makes it particularly hard to sit straight even if you try to do so. Slouching for long periods can cause pains in your back.




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