

Post Pandemic: Ergonomics is the New Trend

Nowadays, the topical issue that arouses more and more office workers’ attention is the post-pandemic office. 

What it will be like after the pandemic? What issue should employers take into consideration? 

Sure things will be different after the pandemic, not only the office environment but the employees’ awareness. 

As time pass by, the needs of employees changes as well as their awareness of ergonomic products. It is evident that people focus more on their health as a result of the pandemic.

Therefore, it’s time to bring in ergonomic furniture to show your concern for your employees.

Why ergonomic furniture is essential?

At least a third of the adult population report chronic pain1,2 and about 10% report moderately or severely limiting pain. Among aging municipal employees the prevalence of pain is lower: 29% report chronic pain and 7% limit chronic pain. 

Once employees have occupational injures or diseases, apparently their work efficiency, as well as productivity, will decrease. In order to protect employees’ health and maintain their work performance, no wonder employers are increasingly taking ergonomic furniture into account.

So what can ergonomic products do to help?

According to the laboratory experiments conducted by Dainoff, the ergonomic configuration can increase 17.5 percent productivity compared to the ergonomically suboptimal setting. 

That is totally understandable as ergonomic furniture can improve your position during work time, preventing various chronic diseases such as back pain and neck pain.

Ergonomic pieces an office must have

Loctek Standing desks

Long hours of sitting is not ideal for the human anatomy as it can lead to chronic health problems. Unfortunately, most office workers spend the bulk of their time seated behind their desks. If you include the time spent driving, an office worker spends at least 8 hours a day sitting on average. 

Thankfully, it does not have to be so anymore. The invention of standing desks has radically revolutionized the work environment. The height of these desks can be adjusted upwards or downwards at the push of a button. It has given employees the option of either sitting or standing while working. It’s an official goodbye to long hours of sitting.

In addition to other ergonomic equipment, Loctek is trailing the blaze in the manufacturing of standing desks. These desks can fit into any space and are available in wooden, bamboo, metal, glass materials. 

Take Loctek bamboo series as an example, if you prefer to order a bamboo desktop, we have multiple options for you to customize your desk with shape, size, color, thickness options. 

Loctek Ergonomic chairs

Including ergonomic chairs in your tech office interior design is one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. Your employees and consequently your business will thank you for it. These chairs are designed to give comfort, correct your posture, reduce back pain, and boost circulation. They improve safety and efficiency in the work environment.

According to different needs, we have distinct series. The most popular one is our exercise bike F211DBU which has a mesh backrest. F209DT also has the exercising feature and a tabletop to place your digital devices. In addition, Loctek also has ergonomic chairs specially designed for children, if you are interested in our ergonomic chair series, why not fill in the contact form and we will provide more details for you. 


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