

3 Simple Office Decorating Tips

When your job becomes too solemn, it’s hard to get things done. On the flip side, when things get too playful, you get distracted and are more likely to skip the fine print.

But did you know that you can “play” at work and still get things done? Sure, it sounds far-fetched but takes a moment to meditate on the words of one of the world’s leading graphic design virtuosos.

“My work is play. And I play when I design. I even looked it up in the dictionary, to make sure that I actually do that, and the definition of 'play,' number one, was 'engaging in a childlike activity or endeavor,' and number two was 'gambling.' And I realize I do both when I'm designing.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ― Paula Scher

Play at work starts with making the office more inviting and energizing. If that sounds like a tall order, then fret not because we’ve put together some of the best tips for decorating your office.

Inspiring Artwork

Hanging a few paintings or posters on the wall is a subtle yet alluring way of decorating your office. You can also get some framed pictures, sculptures, or artisanal handicrafts for your desk. The beauty of art is that it provides an instant source of inspiration in almost all circumstances.

Remember that art is purely subjective, so insist on what you like. You can find loads of great conversational pieces at your local flea market, artist’s studios, or online platforms like Etsy. Ensure that you get something that matches the conversational tone of your core business.

Add Some Potted Plants or Flower Vases  

A few potted plants are an excellent way to decorate your office. The lush greens and succulent undertones of flowers add a dash of color to any dull-looking space. They offer a great opportunity to distract yourself from a drab business. Most people prefer ferns for their bushy but uncrowded look. But, you could also go for a needleless cactus if you’re not too fond of watering. You could also get a bonsai or any other choice of a miniature tree if you’d like to add a sense of adventure to your general theme.

On the other hand, it doesn’t need to be all about the plants. You can also make a personal statement with your selection of vases or pots. Pick colors and patterns that speak to your sense of style, but keeping in general theme with the intended workspace decoration.

Carpets, Mats or Rugs

Perfectly tiled floors or flawless hardwood floors make your office look great. But, there’s nothing much you can do with them while playing around with a color theme. Here’s where carpeting comes to save the day.

You don’t even have to cover the entire floor. Just a tiny covered patch can add a much-deserved pop of color to the overall look. Feel free to express yourself, but ensure the rug, carpet, or mat your pic doesn’t clash with your chosen theme.



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