

Steps For Choosing A Good Bed Frame

Step 1: Set A Budget

Setting a budget will quickly help you narrow down your choice. After determining the price range, you have to think what factors make a good frame. In other words, you should consider if a bed frame is worth the cost. For example:

Construction – How is the bed frame put together? Will you have to assemble it yourself, and if so, how difficult will it be? Will it require any special tools? 

Material – Is it made of sturdy, durable materials? For longevity’s sake, it’s best to find a frame made primarily of longer-lasting options, like a solid wood bed frame and metal bed frame, rather than wood composites or plastics.

Stability – Does the bed frame have plenty of traction and support where it rests on the ground? Ideally, you want a bed frame that won’t creak or move from side to side when pushed or leaned against and doesn’t need additional support to stay in place.

Step 2: Decide The Right Size

Choosing the right size bed frame is crucial if you’ve already purchased a mattress. Though some sizes can seem similar, there are differences in measurements for each of the most common mattress sizes, so you’ll need a bed frame to match. Let’s take a look of different sizes:

Twin – The smallest option available, a twin bed can accommodate a single child or adult and fits well in the smallest of rooms. A twin bed frame typically measures 38” x 75”.2

Queen – Measuring at 60” x 80”, a queen-sized bed is arguably the most common option for two adults, providing plenty of room without taking up an excessive amount of space. Because of the increased size, a queen is likely to fit the best in a medium-sized room or larger.

King – At 76” x 80”, a king-sized bed boasts an additional sixteen inches compared to a queen and is the widest standard bed size available. A king takes up considerably more space and is thus suited to a larger room. 

Step 3: Consider Your Bedroom Aesthetic

Once you’ve narrowed your bed frame research, you need to consider what style suits your current sleeping space. For example, if you prefer traditional style, you can choose wooden decorate and soft headboard. If you like a frame taht is more modern, you can choose mental material.

Step 4: Determine Types of Frames

There are many types of bed frames you can choose. At Loctek, we offer different models of adjutable beds to suit your need.

Adjustable bed frames are controlled with a remote to adjust into different positions by raising and lowering the head and foot of the bed. This is a great option for those with mobility issues or those who experience pain when they sleep and need to change their position throughout the night. You’ll just need to get a compatible mattress for your adjustable bed frame.


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