

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Ergonomic Chair

What is an ergonomic chair?

That’s the question that’s on most people’s minds as it is a word that is constantly used when it comes to describing some specific types of furniture. The word ergonomic simply means that the particular product in question has been designed with some considerations in mind. These range from the comfort and good posture, all aimed at improving support for the body and ensuring that the user doesn’t get into trouble when working.

We are going to look at some of the factors that you have to pay close attention to when buying an ergonomic chair for your home or regular office setting. If this has been in your plans, then stick around to the end to learn a thing or two that will come in handy down the road.

Height Adjustability

This is the most important factor that makes an ergonomic chair a must; without it, what you have is just another fancy-looking chair that doesn’t do much. A good ergonomic office chair should be able to have height adjustability that ranges from about 16 to 21 inches. This is more than enough to handle all your needs when you are working in different environments. You may find yourself moving from one desk to another, and adjusting the height of the seat quickly could be the difference between convenience and pure hell.

You can check Loctek exercise bike set to find the suitable one for your company. These exercise bikes all have height adjustable function combining portable and exercising features. Sure your employees would like it.


Think about the number of hours that you will spend on that chair before making the decision. The average time people spend at work is about 8hrs. Any way you look at that, it is an awfully long time for someone to spend in one position. To ensure you don’t end the day with an aching back or a sprained neck, go for an ergonomic chair that is built for comfort.

The spine and the neck are the two areas of the body that experience the most strain and stress when sitting down. This is why using the wrong chair can lead to a lot of trouble for the user. When getting an ergonomic chair, check the chair to find out how the lumbar support is set up. It should be able to cover and hug your entire back sufficiently for that extra comfort.

The same thing applies to the backrest. You should not snap anything when you try to lean back on your chair. The backrest should be flexible enough to support your neck and lower body to stop any pain and complications from setting in.

It is essential to check whether the chair has a backrest. You don’t want to swing yourself all cause that will be uncomfortable. Loctek F211DBU would be a good choice as it has mesh backrest, providing extended comfort.

The Brand

When it comes to ergonomic chairs, the brand matters a lot. Not everyone can make ergonomic chairs, and a good number of companies that love using that word in their products tend to never know exactly what it takes to make a chair ergonomic. You have to be very keen when selecting a chair for your office needs.

One of the best manufacturers of ergonomic office chairs in the market right now is Loctek. We have a wide range of options to choose from, and our chairs are made using  high-grade materials and are built with great aesthetics. If you want to cooperate with us, please fill the contact form for more information!

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