

2021 Loctek Excellent Product Manager Training Camp

Loctek always upholds the cultural idea of talent and developing talent, actively responding to the national goal of "common prosperity". To see in a big picture,  in terms of the company's internal thirst for product managers as well as the company's blueprint that is to enhance the company's performance and promote the realization of strategic goals, there is a need for Loctek to organize this camp. Moreover, when it comes to the employees themselves, upgrade employees' capabilities and accelerate their understanding of product management is extremely crucial. Therefore, in August 2021, the first three-month Loctek Excellent Product Manager Training Camp was  launched.

 On the afternoon of August 5th, the first course of "Loctek Excellent Product Manager" training camp was officially held in the R&D headquarters. After strict interviews and screening in the early stage, 40 candidates from different departments gathered to participate in the training.

Chairman Lane Shaw started the first lecture of the training camp

The Excellent Product Manager training camp also got the attention and support of Lane Shaw, chairman and chief product manager of Loctek, who came to the site to teach the first lesson -- the experience and thinking of product manager.

He proposed that the product manager needs to understand what kind of products are needed in the market and the product should be frequently used by different groups of people. These are the conclusions drawn by the combination of psychology and sociology.

At the same time, the chairman  Lane Shaw, based on his own experience, introduced the whole development and operation process from product planning to sales to the participants in detail. People who participated gained a lot. Not only did they grasp a deeper understanding of product development and operation, but also  full of expectations for the future development of the company.

 What else is there to look forward to?

The participants started their team trip through the lecture and team leader election. It is expected that they can learn more knowledge in the following training as a team and lay a good foundation for their improvement.

On every Friday and Saturday, the six modules of the Product Manager course will be taught by a special external lecturer. In the next three months, the participants will also be around "market analysis", "product training", "industrial design and products thinking", "competitive analysis", "PRD example drill", "product management", "project management" module,such as a series of theoretical study and case analysis,  the director of product management, Wang Jianghu, will also give lectures to the participants as a core lecturer.

We look forward to seeing them integrating theory and practice together, applying what they have learned, making progress with the company, and growing together!

In the future, regarding learning as the core of the  company culture, Loctek will pay attention to employee' training as well as career planning, improving employees' capacities, in the meantime, providing more opportunities for their development. All in all, the biggest goal of Loctek is to provide every employee chance to improve himself or herself, and make contribution to the society,   joining hands on the road to common prosperity.


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